Last month, I was surprised to open up my email to find I had won a $1000 gift card to Henri Bendel (of all places ♥). Well, what's a girl to do? I spent the entire sum of money in one night with ten dollars to spare... and it was awesome.
As always I wanted to share these freakin fabulous purchases with you awesome readers! Sooooo let's begin!
My most expensive and beautiful buy was the Carlyle Wallet on a String.
Excuse my absolute crap picture, but yeah. It's adorable. The interior of the bag is a lighter cream color, and has multiple folds and pockets, for credit cards and such. 

In the product photo, you can see much clearer the bag's cute, girly pink color, and gold details. The chain is also high quality! Overall, I'm pumped about this and can't wait to use it (:
One of my other favorites is the Henri Bendel Vanilla Bean Signature Reed.
When you're shopping a site like HenriBendel.Com, full of jewelry and handbags, the first thing you jump to buy is not a candle, or a "signature reed." That's just the truth. So what attracted me to the candle section? Is it because I'm the chillest teenage girl in the world? Probably, because I bought like $150 worth of candles.
And here is my cute lil square guy earrings. Spoiler alert; probs gonna wear these to prom. And senior ball. And my 21rst birthday. And my wedding. That's how great they are. You can check these earrings out here. If you plan on blowing $100 anytime in the future, here you go! This is what you're getting! Congrats!
I hoped you guys enjoyed checking out these wonderful products, and check out Henri Bendel! I like this company for quite a few reasons, but I'll keep it short.
1. They do HUGE giveaways like the one I won, all of the time.
2. They ship orders in cute boxes and each product is hand wrapped or bagged in cute little specialty Henri Bendel bags. Its great.
3. You will feel like the prettiest princess in the world when you put those earrings in. Go for it.
What would you buy from their website? Comment below cuties ♥