Diet Culture & Eating Disorders

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hey everybody! I hope all is  well ♥

Today I want to talk to you guys about something really sensitive to me.

If you look at ANY magazine these days, you will see some startling headline like:

"WOW! Beyonce 60 lbs. thinner"
"Kim's Revenge Body".

Diet Culture is everywhere. And it affects everyone it touches. I never used to think anything of dieting or food. Food was just food for me, and nothing more. But clearly, this is not the case for everyone. 

"35% of “normal dieters” progress to pathological dieting. Of those, 20-25% progress to partial or full-syndrome eating disorders"

Wait, wait, wait, are you serious? YES. So called "diet culture" has turned into something serious. When I was 13, I created my first Instagram account. With a few clicks and random searches I came across something called 'thinspo', or 'thin inspiration.' They were basically black and white photos of emaciated girls, deemed "artistic". 

Disturbing, yes. 

These photos actually led me to begin starving myself. Which led to bulimic tendencies. Which led to depression, anxiety, self harm, and suicidal thoughts. 

So, I wonder, is diet culture and 'thinspo' to blame for my eating disorder, or am I?

If I'd never gotten Instagram, or been exposed to so many dieting ploys in my lifetime, would losing weight have seemed so appealing? 

This here is a before and after picture of me.. before and after my eating disorder.
In the first picture, I was at a point in my life where I was excercising like crazy, cutting myself, starving my body, and throwing up the little food I ate. In the second picture, it's obvious that I'm much healthier & active. Though I had gained 20+ pounds, I still looked great.

If you or someone you love is dealing with an eating disorder, I encourage you to seek help. There are hotlines you can call, and websites with a lot of information for you. Recovery is worth it, I promise. ♥

Xoxo, Grace 

Coachella Fashion - Good and Bad [PHOTOS]

Friday, April 11, 2014

But really guys.. with all the ridiculous fashion at Coachella, it's hard to remember that it's a music festival. 


Let's check out the good and bad of 'Coachella fashion."


Let's start out with the good stuff. 

Okay, come on guys, you can't diss Vanessa Hudgens no matter what she's wearing. The goddess is pictured wearing Milk the Goat Newport Lace Shorts ($79), and an 
Oversized Floral Crown by Rock N Rose ($38). Adding the bindi, geometric necklace, and henna art creates a fun, hippie chic look for a day out, watching bands you've never heard of before. 

This lovely lady is pictured in a loose fitting, beige dress with lace details as well as a daisy flower crown, and a pair of beige colored Toms. Her outfit is stylish, affordable, and comfortable. What else can you ask for? I re created this out fit with a few quick Google searches.. and.. looks lovely.. all for $99.77 (: (Dress from American Vintage Store) (Shoes from TOMS)

Printed voile dress

Now we're to the bad part.. and we'll start with the ugliest and most racist piece of head wear every captured on camera. Racism doesn't look cute on anybody, sweetie.


Last, but certainly least is this loose fitting, slack clown clothing. No, but really why would you wear this? The black waistline belt with the huge bow on it is just simply adding insult to injury. Aye, at least her shoes are cute. 

Anywho, this has been a quick look at some of the fashion highs and lows you can find at Coachella this year. What's your local music festival like? Comment below!

Xoxo, Grace

The Beanie Trend

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

If you've been on social media lately, you may have seen the latest beanie trend.

It may be one of those "dumber" fashion trends, but honestly these Printed Beanies work. Whoever made this big in the last few months deserves an award. Not only are these hats cheap and relatively easy to make for the seller, but they sell like mad once some of the cool kids in town have gotten their hands on them. 

All you need is a plain beanie, transfer supplies & a bogus word and wallah! 
$Welcome to Cash Town, baby!$

In all seriousness, if I had the money to spend I'm 100% sure I'd have my hands on one of these.

I just wonder how many of these I'll be seeing at the Goodwill in 10 years.

What do you guys think of this fad? Comment below. 

xoxo, Grace

UnicornBorn Jewelry Review

Saturday, April 5, 2014

It's spring.
Flowers are coming up.
April showers are starting.
And I'm unbelievably excited for summer clothes shopping. 
Who's with me? (: 

Spring is a time for new beginnings, new projects, and new things.

And if you're looking for something new and high quality, where else can you turn besides Etsy? (: 

Etsy is a monster of site, with thousands of vendors and beautiful handmade products. It's where I sell my shirts, and come across amazing finds, like this Dainty Velvet Heart Choker by UnicornBorn

Is this not the cutest goddamn thing you've ever seen?

The purchase was a breeze, and my choker came in the mail a week later in adorable pink packaging.
Now how's that for something new ?

Fiona Woodgate, owner of the shop, makes a variety of jewelry pieces, each unique and super fun!

Aren't these just so neat? This Wire Wrapped Gem Necklace is cool & totally affordable.

Like what you see? Comment below (: 

xoxo, Grace

A Doll.. That Looks Normal??

As many of you have seen, lately there has been a huge push for a healthy sized doll to replace the Barbie's infamous and unattainable figure.

 Hello world: This concept for the "normal" fashion doll wears minimal makeup, jean shorts and a simple blouse.

Meet Lammily, the creation of artist Nickolay Lamm. 

This lovely lady was created with the exact same proportions as the average 19 year old american woman. She is healthy, fit and radiant. How about that for a childhood icon? Creator, Lamm, says that:
"I just wanted her to look like a typical young woman walking down the street. But I left the actual dimensions ambiguous because I don't want to set a new standard."
And the best part? Lamm was inspired to make this doll after talking to his little cousin, who was so ashamed of her body that she was afraid to put on a swimsuit. Who knows if this project will make any lasting effect on his cousin's self esteem, but it will surely impact future young boys and girls who play with this adorable doll.
As a girl in recovery from an eating disorder, this gives me hope. People are finally waking up and realizing what we're doing to ourselves. Let's all just join hands and pray that this is a small step on a long journey towards a  more human friendly environment.

Look familiar? Artist Nickolay Lamm designed a doll to look like the average 19-year-old walking — or running — on the street.

I challenge artists and people who have the time and resources to make such things;

Remember the boys.

This, lady & gents, is He-Man. 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but does this not also promote a COMPLETELY unattainable body type,
JUST LIKE Barbie? How about we get a lanky superhero without rock hard abs & a killer jawline. I'd love to hear what you guys think about the development of a better Barbie in the comments! 
